NSSS 2025 - the dream IS ALIVE


New web page

We have a new web page! Please visit nsss25.se where new information will be published.

We are back!

NSSS XI is being held in Linköping, Sweden, Thursday May 29th until Sunday June 1st 2025! The hosting choirs are the same that did it back in 2011, that is: Linköpings Studentsångare, Den akademiska damkören Linnea, LiHtösen, Chorus Lin, SKÖN and Linköpings Indiekör. We are looking forward to seeing you here!

The choir registration is now open! Please register your choir before September 30th. More information about NSSS 2025 can be found in the registration form below:


Join the pre-party at our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/2KyeKFyeuC


  • When will the festival take place?

    • The festival starts late on Thursday 29th of May, and ends early on Sunday 1st of June.

  • When will the registration open? 

    • The registration for choirs will open May 29th and close September 30th 2024.

  • Our choir recruits new members during early spring, will it be possible for them to join?

    • Absolutely! It will be possible to amend the amount of participants until February 2025.

  • What housing options will be available?

    • We will offer accommodation in a school, but the option to book hotels will also be given. 

  • Do you have to participate in a friendship concert during the festival?

    • No, it is optional. 

  • When will the repertoire be revealed?

    • The repertoire for the gala concert will be sent out no later than October 2024.

  • How advanced will the repertoire be?

    • Our focus is on putting together a good, classic repertoire that will not require too much rehearsal time. We aim for each choir to sing 6-7 songs.

  • Do you have to participate in the Gala concert?

    • Yes, the Gala concert is an essential part of NSSS and all choirs are expected to partake!

  • How can I be notified of more information as it becomes available?

    • Let us know that your choir is interested and provide us with your contact information by filling out our hype form! Also, be sure to follow our Facebook page and join the Discord server. 

  • I did not find the answer to my question here 🙁


Since 1987 Nordic and Baltic academic choirs have assembled every third year to a festival called NSSS. The first meeting in modern times was arranged by the student choirs in Linköping, Sweden. It was called Nordiska Studentsångarmötet and was an effort to revive the events from the 19th century when choirs from the old universities crossed through Scandinavia by train or boat to sing with and for each other.

The first gatherings focused on social and pedagogical events. From 1996, when in Copenhagen 1400 singers performed Carl Orff's Carmina Burana and in Tallinn Beethoven's 9th symphony the festivals have turned more to public events. In Lapeenranta the singers performed two premièrs; Leif Segerstam's Symphony 111 and Marcus Fagerudd's Das Lied des Wassers under the direction of Leif Segerstam.

In Stavanger in 2008 again, the joint choirs performed Carl Orff's Carmina Burana and in Linköping 2011 the Gala Concert programme focused on a cappella music for male, female, and mixed choirs. Two opera choruses from Carmen and Aida were performed with symphony orchestra.

The NSSS goals and purpose

In Lapeenranta 2005 some of the music directors of the choirs decided to propose some goals for upcoming summits. Therefore the purpose document below was created.

Our purpose

The NSSS purpose is to gather Nordic and Baltic academic choirs in forms of friendship and joy and events of high musical and social quality. NSSS is arranged every third year by local arrangers.

General goals

  • At NSSS the well-being of the choruses and the choristers is the most essential issue. All activities shall promote the choirs and the choral music. The choruses’ or choristers’ positive experiences of the event must never be ignored by interests of practical or economical nature.

  • At NSSS some of the very best Nordic and Baltic choirs are gathered. Therefore the music work should be progressive and of good quality.

  • At NSSS choirs with distinct traditions are gathered. The music work should therefore pay respect and attention to those.

  • At NSSS mixed, male and female choruses are gathered. The joint repertoire therefore should consist of music for all these kinds of choirs.

  • Sheet music to be distributed should be shipped before October the year before the NSSS.

  • The music directors can be invited to a meeting in the host country two years before the summit. At this meeting the music content will be discussed and planned.